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dwelling in the canyon of red sand stone we marked our houses with characters befitting our desires  if we were sad  w...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In Search of Birth Son: date of birth 5/27/1968, Name Unknown

Sailing Away

If time were to avail a space for us
I'd take you to my oasis
I'd take your cup and fill it up
with hope and dreams
and encouragement

I would kiss every inch of you
as a mother kisses her baby
pressing your sweet pink toes
to my bosom
as a flower for my lady

It would be a sweetness
The milk
of human kindness
holding you in my arms again
not man nor woman
not mother to child
but human to human

I'd take you in my arms
cradle you in my arms
and caress your fears away
I'd sing you a lullaby
and hold you tenderly
and call you my son
If you would let me

If time were to avail a space for us
I'd take you to my oasis
and float you on the waters
I'd reel in our abundance
and place it in your hands
a gift to keep forever
a love that understands

And accepts you
just the way
you are

all of you
your laughter, joy, and sorrow
your anger and your fears

I am someone who loves you
all the more
because you are
that is enough
You are perfection
just the way you are

A ray of hope
A new dawn
The end of an era
A worn cliche that sometimes
just needs graham crackers
and milk

to feel okay

I love you

written by Pattra Burnetto Monroe 1995 (revised 2009) dedicated to my first born son, Shawn Patrick Burnetto, wherever you are... i love you

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Country Western Haiku

Country Western Haiku # 101


I'm taking my shoes with me

so no one can fill them

while I'm gone

Country Western Haiku # 102

Lost & Profound


Love is more than

a four letter word

Country Western Haiku # 123

Lost & Found

There is no loss in heaven

It's in heaven where

everything can be found

Pattra Burnetto Monroe

December 2008