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This is a Peace Poem

dwelling in the canyon of red sand stone we marked our houses with characters befitting our desires  if we were sad  w...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pockets Full of Stones

My pockets
full of stones
from the river
remind me of you
and our many
and walks
on this beach
My pockets
full of stones
are overflowing
like the blackberry
covered bushes
or the water
by the shore
My heart bursts
with memories
of you
to touch you
to caress you
to harness
your light
like the summer
sun's warmth
when it it wanes
in the winter months
holding on to these
These memories
This desire
reminds me of 
my pockets 
full of stones
which I return
to the shore
one by one
until they
are all gone
Letting them go
so they won't
weigh me

pbm revised December 28,2011.