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This is a Peace Poem

dwelling in the canyon of red sand stone we marked our houses with characters befitting our desires  if we were sad  w...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

this is a peace poem

dwelling in the canyon
of red sand stone
we marked our houses
with characters
befitting our desires
if we were sad
we chose happiness
or a sign for
deeper sorrow
wanting to go
to the bottom
of the well
we were the
red sand people

our neighbors
were from
blue cloud gulch
they were
a two day walk
from us
we did not
own cars
there was no fuel
we did not
fight any more
there was
no need

by Pattra Burnetto Monroe August 18,2007.

1 comment:

A note from Pattra said...

This poem was published in Rain Magazine, 4oth Anniversary edition, Spring 2008.