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This is a Peace Poem

dwelling in the canyon of red sand stone we marked our houses with characters befitting our desires  if we were sad  w...

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Once in a Blue Moon

Two Minds

I have been of two minds lately
In this blue moon month
And even unaware
I have felt it's influence

I have been of two minds lately
One to laugh and one to cry

I have done some good things lately
Like singing in the rain
And carefully picking wild flowers
To make a bouquet
Or wading in the water
And writing down the pain

I have been of two minds lately
One to laugh and one to cry

I've listened to the Angels
Singing in the wind
I've seen the birds flying
Riding the thermals in the air
And felt their joy and despair

I've watched the river flowing
And the tides come in & out
And I've even gone to work
When I didn't want to
Discovering I still knew the way
Feeling better for it
None of this has been in vain

I have been of two minds lately
One to laugh and one to cry

I have been unpacking lately
Finding evidence of life & love
I have been crying and weeping
And crying some more
From a well I thought was dry

I have been of two minds lately
One to laugh and one to cry

I didn't know I could shed so many tears
I thought I'd cried all there was 
I thought my grief was over
I thought I'd closed that door

Only to find it open
The floodgates extended
The damn broken
while I sat upon the floor
Among the buried treasure
Of photographs and more

My brother's army hat
A letter from my sister
My mother's silly poem
About the cat that kissed her

My father's diary and their union pins
My firstborns baby bracelet
Tiny bits and pieces
I thought that I could keep
To hold their memories in

Scattered mementos carefully packed
Hoarded against the day
When my memory
began to fade
Life contains so much that
Death can take away

I have been of two minds lately
One to laugh and one to cry

I've wondered about my mind lately
Because I never know quite where or when
The crying would begin
Or when that lonesome feeling
Would find it's way in

I have been of two minds lately
One to laugh and one to cry

Then a friend told me
There is no right way to grieve
Grieving knows its way
And when we discover we feel alone  
We are because  
We have lost the ones we love

In crying I acknowledge that
In laughing I do too
And find that the loves I thought I lost
Are just a thought away

And are brought nearer to me
Whispering in my ear
I love and support you
And I feel them all around me
Once in a new, blue, or full moon

I have been of two minds lately
One to laugh and one to cry

written June 7, 2007  revised 9/9/11
By Pattra Burnetto Monroe


Angela B said...

scattered momentos- written as an insurance against the time memory fades. your friends will remind you of the beauty inside you, when you feel like crying or forgot how to laugh.

Patrick Murphy said...

This was beyong awesome, I loved it.
"Or wading in the water, and writing down the pain."

I loved it, thanks. Patrick

A note from Pattra said...

Thank you very much for reading my poem, Patrick.

Virginia said...

I'm so glad you left a link to this poignantly resonant poem on my Facebook page. I've been of two minds often and it's always helpful to remember (and be reminded) of our power to choose our response in each moment.
Hugs and blessings,

A note from Pattra said...

Thank you very much, Virginia. Thank you.

A note from Pattra said...

Thank you, Angela. I needed to know this today. I love you.

A note from Pattra said...

Thank you, Angela. I needed to know this today. I love you.