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This is a Peace Poem

dwelling in the canyon of red sand stone we marked our houses with characters befitting our desires  if we were sad  w...

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Storm

I am the eye
I am the seed
Riding the current
By wind & rain
Mother Earth 
Opens her arms
Her womb
I am rooted
In love
I am the storm

Pattra Burnetto Monroe
November 11, 2016


Mr. Natural said...

Indeed, it is true.

A note from Pattra said...

Thank you so much for reading & commenting. Sometimes I think these poems need a bit of TLC. So, I am so very glad you came to visit them. Sincerely, Pattra

Mr. Natural said...

I spied you at a mutual friend's facebookie, checked you out and saw the link. I have blogs too. Thing is with storms, I know them all too well. I worked coastwise and in the Arctic on tugs and barges off and on for 13 years. You put up your collar against the storm and it just keeps after you as if you hadn't....

Unknown said...

I AM, the eye...the heart, the womb... WE choose where we identify, we are What We Are..the quiet eye, the raging winds..

From one poet to another, perhaps Lead is Led?

A note from Pattra said...

Oh, Thank you. Perhaps Led is correct! I really appreciate the proofreading. With the help of some friends, I published a chap books years & years ago... We must have proofread those pages over & over only to discover after it was published that I had used the word are instead of our. It drove me OCD crazy when i discovered the error. I wanted to go back and hand change it in every single copy, but alas it was too late. Sincerely, Thank you.

uncleben said...

I still have the book. Nice to see your musings here.

A note from Pattra said...

And it is very nice to have my musings seen. Writing is often my voice. When I feel the need to be heard & seen, it is often because I need to listen to my inner voice too. This is where I heal & learn & let go. Thank you!❤