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This is a Peace Poem

dwelling in the canyon of red sand stone we marked our houses with characters befitting our desires  if we were sad  w...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jigsaw Puzzle

If I could
I would
take my past
piece by puzzling piece
and put it back together
creating a scene of beauty and order
straightening out the chaos
of my mistaken beliefs
choosing love instead of hate
blue instead of grey
taking small bits of matter
that once seemed so important
random deeds scattered
across the table of my life
If I could
I would
take my past



Angela B said...

Chelsea says that our life is like a puzzle, even the pieces that are bent belong. We can't take them out, because they are part of who we are and make the picture whole. She's a very black and white thinker. Chelsea and I also had a conversation about how many hundred shades of white there are. When you write about having it be blue instead of grey, it's interesting. What shade of grey would you like to choose to change...and into which shade of blue would you be happiest?
Thanks for offering food for thought- it's delicious!!

Anonymous said...

...but that would be SO boring and WE never would have met the same people because OUR people are a bit tilted and SO very far from perfection and that's what I prefer and I think you do too. Good poem though!

A note from Pattra said...

you all are so right... in essence this poem (written 8 years ago) is what helped me accept my past with all it's imperfections...once i became aware of the angst in the form of regret... i was able to transform, transcend, and release the past... not judge it or myself so harshly...i accepted the pieces of the past a bit more lovingly and allowed them to be... just as they were because without them... i wouldn't be who i am today... my life would be different... and yes, maybe even a bit more boring... so i chose to keep the memories that remained and savor them...writing this poem allowed me to take my past and put it back together again. That's why i love writing so much ... xooxp